with kids


Things I Wish I Knew Before Going To


Shop at Costco

If you’re staying for an extended period, you can stop at Costco to load up on toiletries, diapers, snacks, and more at prices very close to what you’d pay on the Mainland.


Oahu can be very busy

If you are looking for a quieter, less crowded vacation, some of the other resorts or islands may be a better choice.


Groceries on the island is expensive

Families can try stopping at grocery stores farther away from the resort areas to try and cut down on food costs.


Check surf conditions

Feel free to ask other families where they’ve been swimming lately, but always plan to check an app like Surfline before you pack up for the day.


Don’t Over-Schedule

Decide on your favorites and then pace your travel by taking advantage of opportunities to cool down and take a break from the sun.


Learn Hawaii’s Car Seat Laws

Families visiting Hawaii need to be sure to think about their transportation needs before they go to keep everyone safe.

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