carry on bag / backpack bag

I want my carry-on bag to be comfortable to move around the airport, and I want enough compartments for everything to be easy to find.

rolling suitcase

It’s really best to use a rolling suitcase if you are only packing carry-on luggage (instead of checking your bags.)

reusable water bottle

The air inside the airplane can be dehydrating so it's wise to include a reusable water bottle on your Hawaii packing list.


We try to bring pre-packaged snacks that we can eat on the airplane while we’re waiting for our bags, at the car rental place, or on the drive to the hotel.

antibacterial wipes

The first thing I do on the airplane is wipe down the tray, window, armrests, air vent dials, and anywhere I think my family might touch.

electronics and chargers

We never forget to bring our electronics on our travels. For our chargers, I like to keep them them inside a pouch like this so they're easier to find.

sweater or sweatshirt

Plan ahead and bring your own sweater, sweatshirt, or jacket to keep yourself nice and comfortable on the flight to Hawaii.


It’s super smart to keep your sunglasses in an easy-to-reach pocket of your carry-on bag. That way, you can put them on while walking to baggage claim.

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